During the age of the Thymvors, the Planet Idente was home to many realms and races. For the human race, everything had begun with Ordinankt, the Master Mentalist, who had discovered the connection between the Thymei plant and precious stones, and had reached Idente. Thus, the balances changed when the Mentalist humans migrated to this planet in a parallel dimension; and joined the Thymvors. When the Dark faces of Onyxij showed up during the Ancient Master’s time; he hid all but the Emerald and Ruby Thymvors’ realms in new dimensions. The Darkness was chased away from the Emerald Realm by the humans and the Elves, who had taken on the duty of guarding all the realms. However, when the Onyxij Thymvors appeared once more, the young Emerald Queen had very few supporters, as her family had been captured, and her brother got mixed up with the Darkness. Left alone without the backing that she needed from her Emerald Generals; Visnella’s arduous journey with her Unicorn and Phoenix friends had only just begun. This struggle wasn’t just against the Darkness, but also against those who were closest to her; and most of all it was against prejudice. Would Visnella be able to keep the inhabitants of the three hidden realms she discovered in the meantime on her side? As the balances between her people and the reemerging hidden realms began to change; every unexpected lifestyle helped her rediscover herself, and each new struggle she faced presented a new challenge. As these things happened on Idente, unbeknownst to her that a different situation would tie the Earth Realm with the Emerald Realm, Visnella had already set out on a journey packed with surprises, romance and adventure. It was as if the emeralds that loaded her staff were shining for a long and intriguing, challenging period.
Saklı diyarlar, özgün ırklar, mentalist güçler…
Yalnız bir kraliçe, nefes kesen bir hükümdarlık! VISNELLA ZÜMRÜT KRALİÇE I: RUA ELFLERİ, SU ALTI BİLGİÇLERİ VE CILEE PERİLERİYLE TANIŞMA; macera, entrika, aşk, savaş ve çok daha fazlasının yer aldığı heyecan verici bir hikâyenin ilk serisi. Zihnin sınırlarını zorlayan mentalist Thymvorlar; sıra dışı dünyalarında ne kadar ileri gidebilirler? Bilgiç Lilicalılar, leylak Su Altı diyarlarında tüm diyarların sırlarını barındırırlar. Rua Elfleri elmasların ışıltısında dans ederler. Cilee Perilerinin diyarında gökkuşakları masumlar için belirir. Zümrüt ve Yakut diyarlar ise Karanlık Oniyxij Diyar’a karşı yüzeyde muhafız olarak bulunmaktadırlar. Unicorn ve Anka dostları eşliğinde Zümrüt Kraliçe Visnella’nın asasını dolduran zümrütler, âdeta uzun ve entrikalı, zorlu bir dönem için parlamaktadır!
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